donderdag 21 februari 2013

Zingy Piratey glutenfree orange cupcakes

I'm one of those suckers that always buys cupcake decoration magazines because I just love creating something new everytime & I love leafing through them. One of them, Cupcake Heaven, published a glutenfree recipe and I just had to try it. And so I did today and it's just marvellous! So all credit goes to Cupcake Heaven, but I thought I'd share this here too. 

My oldest pirate and his creations! :)

110 grams (half a cup) of soft unsalted butter
110 grams (almost a cup) of sugar
110 grams (almost a cup) of almond flour
55 grams (half a cup) of mais flour or polenta flour
1/2 teaspoon of glutenfree baking soda
1 teaspoon of vanilla aroma (but better yet, use vanilla pods, one will do!)
1 egg
1 egg yolk
a pinch of salt
1 orange, squeezed & grated (for the orange zest)
4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
Marzipan to decorate


  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees centigrade (392 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Put 12 cupcake cups in the cupcake tin
  • Put all the ingredients (except for the orange juice, zest, marzipan and powedered sugar) into the bowl and beat with a mixer to a smooth dough.
  • Add the zest and one tablespoon of the orange juice)
  • Beat again. 
  • Put the mixture into the cups and put the tins into the oven. Bake for about 12-15 minutes until they are golden brown and firm.
  • Leave on a rack to cool. 
  • Mix the powedered sugar with another tablespoon of juice. 
  • Roll out the marzipan & cut shapes with cookie cutters by choice. Use the orange juice glaze to glue the marzipan to the cakes. 
  • Enjoy!

And since my little boys are pirates at heart, we put Pirate decorations on the cupcakes, hence the Pirate reference in the tiltle of this recipe blog. :-D

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