donderdag 5 september 2013

An easy glutenfree treat: coconut cookies with chocolate pirate coins

Even though my sons birthday is months away, I'm already testing recipes for treats for his schoolmates. Not because I have to see if the recipe works, but to see how much work is involved. Because no matter how often I promise myself to make it easy, I never keep to my word. The result is that I end up in the kitchen for hours and when my husband comes home he shakes his head and then... does nothing except say: "If i was in charge of birthday treats, I'd buy them all a little bag of crisps". Well, how much I hate the time it takes me to make these birthday treats, I would never ever even consider that. Why? Because it's boring, it's an easy way out and it's not exactly healthy now is it? 
Not that my treats are usually very healthy, but they are small, i know what is in them and they are creative. Basically, a bag of crisps is just beneath me. Oh good lord, I am a treat snob! 
But since I am determined to make these treats easier this time, I'm testing a couple of ideas way ahead. This recipe is one of them. 

They are coconut cookies that are very easy to make. The most work is in the chocolate coins as you have to pour those. And I have a mould for them, but it only makes 4 coins at a time. But other than that, this recipe is a breeze. Now let's hope my little pirate loves them too. 

Argh, argh, argh!

This recipe makes 12 coconut macaroons.


  • 125 grams  (4,5 oz) of grated coconut
  • 7 grams (0.25 oz) of vanilla sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of glutenfree rice flour
  • 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum
  • 3 egg whites
  • 100 grams (3.5 oz) of (powdered) icing sugar
  • About 175 grams (6 oz) of dark chocolate (for the coins) 
  1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees centigrade (300 degrees fahrenheit).
  2. Mix the coconut, vanilla sugar, rice flour, xanthan gum and icing sugar in a bowl. 
  3. Whisk the egg whites in a bowl to firm peakes.
  4. Fold the coconut mixture into the firm eggwhites.
  5. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and make 12 heaps of dough (it is quite sticky dough by the way) on the parchment paper.
  6. Put them in the oven for 30 minutes until they are lightly golden. 
  7. leave them to cool on a wire rack when done
  8. While the cookies are in the oven, make the chocolate coins. melt the chocolate in a bowl that you place on a pan with softly boiling water. Pour some chocolate into the mould and place it in the freezer to make the chocolate solid again. Slowly take them out of the mould, be careful not to bake them and place them on some baking parchment in the freezer until you have enough coins. 
  9. Then pour a little bit of chocolate onto the fully cooled coconut macaroons, put a coin on them and quickly put them in the freezer again. Otherwise the warm chocolate will melt the coins again. 
  10. Voila, your pirate treasure treat is finished! 

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